Thursday, January 27, 2011

You Don't Understand!

The only way I can walk this dog is on a prong collar. Listen, I have tried everything. Besides, my trainer told me that a prong collar works by mimicking what the mother dog does to correct her puppies-it doesn't hurt the dog at all!

What do you mean that's a myth? See Myth #9? right back- I should use my "back" button to return to this blog when viewing the links? Whatever.


Okay, but, what am I supposed to do? Let him get away with murder? I would rather make him uncomfortable for a while than have him end up euthanized at a shelter!

What?! Dogs trained using aggressive methods are more likely to become aggressive themselves? Says who? Study by the School of Veterinary Medicine at Penn


Well, besides, he lunges at other dogs when I am walking him on leash. I give him a swift correction and say "LEAVE it" the minute he starts that nonsense. When he stops, I tell him "Good Leave-it" so he knows he was good.

What do you mean he does not know why he is being corrected?! I am TELLING him why. Yes, I know he is a dog and does not understand English, but he KNOWS he is being bad-that's why he tucks his tail and looks ashamed after I give him a correction. he is not guilty, he is trying to signal me with his body language that he does not want conflict?


No, I do not think he is beginning to associate the painful sensation with the other dog-why would he? are saying that dogs live in the moment and if they are LOOKING at the other dog when I give the correction, he might associate that sensation with the other dog? And done enough times, the SIGHT of another dog becomes a predictor of bad things to come, in his mind?


Okay, but you do NOT understand this dog. I got him from the pound when he was four and a half months old. The people who had him said he was just "too much dog". He's only a year old now and still has too much energy!

Yours, too, huh? Really?
Same story and everything?You made a video of his first day of training?   Wait-you mean everything I DO is training? Oh boy...but can't I just take him to class for six weeks and then kick back?


But, my dog is HUGE. Your dog is probably a small dog, easy to walk on leash.

Your dog weighs almost 80 pounds? You made a video of his every-day energy level? Video of half grasshopper half dog that is Dexter


Well, clicker training is fine for tricks and things like that, but you can't use it for serious training, like self control.

You can? How about with food dropped on the floor right between his waiting paws, near his face??? Can you train that, Smarty-pants? Video of amazing self control here


But I'll bet he doesn't do anything unless you have food on you, or nearby. You know what they say-if you train with treats you will have to carry food on you at all times, for-EVER and the dog will become spoiled. 

He performs even with no food in the room? I do not believe you.
What!? You have a video of THAT, too!?  Can I see it? It's right here?


What did you say this training -thing was called?!

"A trained dog understands that the way to get what she wants is to control herself, and a trained handler knows that true control of an animal must come from the animal herself, not from the handler." - Sue Alisby


  1. the most brilliant thing I've read about positive training in a while. Thank you.

  2. Chris - this is the best post ever; I want to have it laminated! Talk about hitting the nail on the head...

    Jo and the Woo Crew

  3. I agree - I'd love to laminate and pass it out. If I had a dime for every time I'd had a similar conversation...

    Jo and the we-never-do-anything-wrong Woo Crew

  4. Love it! It makes me ill when I see prong collars. Great post, Chris!

  5. That was really funny and so true. These barriers are real to people so it's like you are "pulling back the curtain" to show that it's not true. Look and see for yourself. I love it!

  6. Great post. One of the best I have read about the myths of harsh training. Loved the closing quote of the dog understanding to control herself.

    Glad I found your blog!

  7. Great Post, I love the format and how it will help others see what you are saying not just have to take your word for it! Kudos!

  8. Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your taking the time to comment :)

